Sunday, September 18, 2011

TOEIC test

After taking the test, I dreamed that I was disappointed my score. I think I still cared about the test for which I prepared about 2 months. Four colleagues took the same exam on July 2011.

Although I had taken the TOEFL and GRE (horrible verbal score), they are outdated. I also hope to seek a new job on the field of Human Resource Development. I might need something new in my resume. Finally, I get a 490/460 hearing/reading in this TOEIC test. Thanks God for your blessings.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Romans 1

1 Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God.
9 God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you.
14-16 I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are at Rome. I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then for the Gentile.

In this chapter, I saw Paul's humbleness and God's love. First, Paul called himself a servant. I myself often ignore the relationship between God and myself. I call Him Father but oftentimes disobey Him. Paul is a model of obedience. He regarded God's plan as his priority, which was preaching the gospel to all the nations.

Second, God's great love shows in His salvation. Whoever believes in God will be saved and receives the righteousness from Him. We are sinner and do wrong things all the time, but God does not give us up. Simply believing sounds simple, but having faith throughout our lives is not that simple, I think. May God strengthens me, my family and friends to have faith in You.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

2011 New Year's resolution

Today's afternoon, I talked to MARU about my recent life. I said I felt less motivated and spent time on useless things. I think I ought to read the Bible everyday. Maru agreed with me and suggested to post our readings on the blog. We soon made a agreement to read Romans and began it today.

After coming back, I cleaned up my room where I haven't make huge change for one or two years. Now, I need to overcome the inertia in my life.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Prayer life

I just started to learn a regular prayer life for myself. I have read and prayed with my mom every day since mid-December, my mom get sick. I was told by a Chinese pastor's wife in the US that I should try to do so.
The first day, I didn't feel comfortable to pray with my mom after reading Bible together. I might feel embarrassed to pray in front of people even more of my family. In the second day, I was able to lead the prayer freely. I believed it will strengthen her faith as well as mine. Now, we can pray for our family together. It is a wonderful experience.

One week after, I went with my mom to practice Qigong (ch'i kung, an internal Chinese meditative practice) with a group of people. I think it will help her get a better physical condition. Along with prayer life and Qigong, changing dietary habit and having a regular lifestyle are what I think I can do so far.

It is the time to give thanksgiving to God. He blesses us a lot in 2009. I pray that He will speak to us and guide us for the coming year.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


是唸研究所那年的暑假考的, 累積了一年資訊教育學科的知識, 因為專業科目考得是簡答題,類似研究所的入學考試,所以在考前也用概念圖整理對這個學門的瞭解,去推測考試的範圍以做準備。



一、譯成白話文: (40)
 (二)鄭人有且置履者,先自度其足而置之其坐,至之市而忘操之,已得履,乃曰:『吾忘持度。』反歸取之,及反,市罷,遂不得履,人曰:『何不試之以足?』曰:『寧信度,無自信也。』(韓子儲說篇)(第三十二篇 外儲說左上) 
二、作文:國際視野與本土文化。 (60)


五、情境學習(Situated learning)的理論為何?要如何應用在互動式多媒體教學上?

一、網路的逐漸發展,也產生了數位分離(digital divide)的現象,請說明在資訊教育上,你要如何改善此一現象。 (15)
二、在設計網路時會考量:Physical environment, Transport environment和Switching environment,試說明之。 (15)
三、今年是知識經濟元年,如果你是一位中小學校長,你要如何規劃校園網路的和?軟體? (15)
   1.ADSL & ISDN (5)
   2.OSI架構 (10)
   3.NetBIOS & NetBEUI (10)
   4.Broadband network (5)
   5.Virtual Private Network & PPT? (10)
五、請說明下列和網路設備所扮演的角色:Repeater, Hub, Router, Gateway, Switching。 (15)


收到成績驚訝之餘就是要開始收集口試的相關資料。第二試是面試, 為了上台北面試, 去了新光三越買了一件襯杉領帶和皮鞋, 就這樣來到台北聯合辦公大樓


Thursday, October 1, 2009

TOEFL 托福測驗

托福先後考了五次,但2002年四個月內考了四次,雖然不像GRE有補習,那時候是把考試當作是補習班學費在考,應該是以213分為目標,成績從 180 → 183 → 210 → 227 算一次比一次好,覺得自己考試有使用考試策略,考完試走出考場就開始記下當天考試的狀況,再核對一下分數,擬定出下一個月要加強的部分:聽力、文法結構、閱讀、或是寫作。


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

GRE 研究生資格考試

從日期近的往前貼學校內考試不算,好像好一段時間沒有考試了,大概因為不在台灣的原因吧,先後考過三次GRE (Graduate Record Examinations)為研究所入學考的,分數並沒有很好看,雖然英語文(verbal)每次都有進步,但一直都沒考得好;數理(quantitative)倒是不用什麼準備,只要熟悉題型就好;最後的分析(analytical)或分析寫作(analytical writing),改成寫作之後變更難了。總之是個令我滿挫折的考試。